The most frequently asked questions are below. We hope the information provided is beneficial. If you have a question that is not answered here, please contact a PTO board member. For school specific FAQs please go HERE.
WHat does the PTO do?
The Lincoln Charter Denver PTO's mission is to:
- Develop a closer connection between school and home by encouraging parent involvement,
- Enhance the educational experience by supporting academic and enrichment activities, and
- Improve the environment at our school by providing volunteer and financial support.
Who Leads the PTO?
The PTO is led by the Executive Board which includes PTO officers, the chief administrative officer, designated teacher representatives. The PTO officers can be found HERE.
How do I become a PTO member?
If you are a parent/guardian of a child attending Lincoln Charter School, or a faculty or staff member, you are already a member of the PTO. There are no dues to pay and no secret handshakes. Just register on this site and come to a meeting and find out how you can help make your child’s school experience even better!
What does it mean to be a member?
That depends on you! We invite you to become an active participant in your student’s education by being an active participant at Lincoln Charter School. The level of involvement is up to you! Whether your involvement is chairing a PTO committee, participating on a committee, volunteering in the classroom, reading with your child at night, or visiting to eat lunch with your children, you play an essential role at Lincoln Charter.
Why should I be a participating member?
"When schools, families and communities work together to support learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer and like school more." That’s one finding of a January 2003 report from the National Center for Family & Community Connections with Schools at the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory.
Other research shows that it pays to get involved. Participation through volunteering allows you to be "hands on" with your child’s education. Our children love to see us in this environment where they spend so many hours a day. You get to know your children’s teachers and your children’s friends.
What is the difference between a PTA and a PTO?
A local PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is associated with the national PTA, a formal membership organization. Local PTA groups receive various types of support from the national PTA, but also pay dues to the national organization and abide by state and national group rules. A PTO, on the other hand, is an independent, unaffiliated group. Each PTO has its own set of bylaws which govern the organization’s activities. A PTO does not pay dues to any national organization. According to the magazine PTO Today, about 25 percent of all local parent-teacher groups in the U.S. are affiliated with the National PTA.
How can I get involved/volunteer?
At open house each year, the PTO board members and committee chairs are in the gym to sign up volunteers for every committee. You may sign up to volunteer at this event, contact a board member or committee chair or check the Volunteer Opportunities page on the PTO website. If you are interested in chairing a committee, please contact a board member. Parent involvement is encouraged and appreciated!
I want to volunteer but don't have a lot of time. What can i do?
Complete the volunteer interest form, we can email you as events approach and when you’re available and interested in helping out you just let us know. If you’re looking for ways to help during off-hours, there are plenty of opportunities. Attending a monthly PTO general body meeting is a great way to contribute through questions, ideas, and more. And if that is all too much, know that you are already doing great by being an active parent for your children at home. Look at the calendar to find the next meeting.
What happens at PTO meetings, and when are they held?
Each meeting is an opportunity to connect with other PTO members and learn more about the school and PTO activities. Time is also allotted for discussion of new ideas and activities. This year will be a little different as we will be holding these meetings virtually and do our best to make them as interactive as possible. The PTO holds a monthly meeting on the first Monday of each month during the school year (Unless there is a holiday conflict). Please check the calendar for times and links to the online meeting. Any PTO member is welcome and encouraged to attend.
What are the benefits of attending PTO General meetings?
Participation through attendance at PTO meetings gives you a voice. You can provide valuable input that will help decide what we do as a group. You have the knowledge that, with your participation and involvement, the educational and social experiences of all students at Lincoln Charter have been greatly enhanced. If you are new to the Lincoln Charter, the established families are available to answer questions and ease your transition into becoming a school family. If you are new to our community, we’re always happy to help wherever possible. An added bonus is that you have the opportunity to meet wonderful people who can become great friends.
WHAT happens to the money raised by the PTO?
Funds raised each year are used for the Denver campus. While fundraising is not our primary goal, it is an important part of the PTO. As a Charter school, Lincoln Charter does not receive all the same funding as traditional public schools, so PTO aims to supplement funding for school needs with spending on things like:
- $300 teacher grants /$400 for new teachers
- Staff appreciation (gifts, breakfast, lunch, and more)
- Capital improvements (Past: Playgrounds, GaGa Pit, Chromebooks, Water Fountains, Sound system in the gym etc. )
- Operating money for the annual Track Attack fundraiser and celebration
- New parent breakfast (virtual meeting in Fall 2020)
- Elementary parties (4x a year)
- The Winter Holiday program
- The Elementary Patriotic Program
- Valentine's Dance
- Morning with Mom
- Donuts with Dad
- PTO Operating expenses (website, taxes, general supplies, etc)
Each fall the PTO budget will be approved by the PTO general body, so you can see where the money goes.
What other sources of communication are available for PTO/Lincoln Charter School?
There are multiple avenues of communication and information for Lincoln Charter School. We recommend bookmarking some of these key resources:
- We are proud of our school's website and it communicate key information to our families. Newsletters, calendars, supply lists and other valuable information about school are posted on this site. We encourage you to bookmark the site and visit it often for the latest information.
- Charter Chatter: This is the weekly email sent out by the school every Tuesday with important information.
- Lincoln Charter Facebook:
- Lincoln Charter Twitter:
- Lincoln Charter PTO-Denver Facebook
- Lincoln Charter PTO-Denver Youtube
- Lincoln Charter PTO - Monthly newsletter: sent our via email
- Facebook Groups by Class year
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 17
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
- Thursday, March 20
- Friday, March 21
- Friday, April 11